Thursday 11 February 2016

February 11

We made a treaty about recess today. At the first period, we went to music and learned a new song with our recorder and the song was used in a Rio carnival. We also went back to our Olympic fanfare drawings and coloured it. After music we had writing. We talked about our treaty and what we want and what we'll give back. Ms. Pattie did it too. At recess, 4 people stayed in to go in reflex. After recess, we had french. We had our french test. It was scary for some people but one got a cheer squad. After lunch, we had theme. We talked about making posters for our resources like advertising. We have to make our posters flashy and bright. After making a plan, we talked about a treaty for recess. If we have 3 problem free day, we get an indoor recess the day after. After recess we had class meeting. Now Ms. Pattie is reading us Masterminds. Basketball players need to bring their shoes after school and to bring them back from heritage.

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