Friday 31 August 2018

Parent Conferences

Wednesday and Thursday next week are opening conferences. We have some new policies in place for the upcoming school year. 
When you come, watch for information on new lunch routines and expectations, new school times (pm),  student code of conduct, parent council, signing up for remind with Mrs Palmer and bus contact, ordering milk tickets using cash online, as well as how to sign up and register for the cash online program.
As always you will also have community walk permission, updated medical information, as well as consent for family life, internet usage, acceptable use agreement, and print and digital medial release. 
A lot to take care of, I am looking forward to seeing you there.  Sign up on schoolsoft. Information on school website.

Where did summer go?

August is coming to an end and school is just around the corner.  The classroom is ready, plans are in place, and soon the students will arrive.  Something a bit different this year.  After teaching a straight 5 for the last several years, this year I will be teaching grades 4s and 5s.  While my class this year will all be new to me, next year I will have returning students.  Looking forward to this change.
One last weekend in front of us and then it begins.