Monday, 8 April 2019

Back From Our Weekend

This morning we went to our buddies classroom before “O Canada”. We meet North Star there and sang “O Canada”. North Star showed us a power point on clay pots. After the power point  North Star read us a book called “Clay Sings”. At 10:00 o’clock our classroom went back to the classroom and for the last 30 minutes we worked on decimals. We added,subtracted and Ms. Pattie wrote a number and we wrote the words. Next was recess. Physical Education in the Gym arrived. We were working on volleyball. We finally worked on some Cinquains. We wrote 6 to 8 of them. Lunch was right after writing. After lunch we worked on our Theme projects for 2 periods. Recess was awesome. There were 4 tether balls. After recess we had Library. Every one could pick three books in total. Later we did our agendas while Ms. Pattie read us some of “ BEARHAVEN”. Finally we did our 5 jobs and went home. What a nice day back from the weekend.

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