Tuesday, 28 February 2017

February 28

Today in gym we had another class of badminton and finished the tournament for badminton.
Today in writing we wrote a letter about saving energy. We want people to sign our pledge form.  In french we watched Evangeline on youtube. After lunch Jamie Oliver came in and did some activities with us and told us some stories.  We will be doing some more activities with him in the coming weeks.

Classroom Energy Diet

February 28, 2017

Dear  Family and Relatives 

Is your energy bill too high?  Would you like to reduce it?  We have been participating in the the Classroom Energy Diet Challenge.  We are learning about the ways we waste energy and about alternative energy sources.
Non-renewable energy sources such as fossil fuels and coal cost money to acquire and once they are used, we have to get more.  Renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and geothermal power are all sources of energy that don’t run out.  This means that we can use them over and over again.
We are asking you to participate in the challenge “Sign up or Sign out”.  We are asking you to pledge to make an effort to reduce your energy usage.  We have created an online pledge form.  We want as many people as possible to sign up to make an effort to reduce their energy usage.  
It’s easy to start reducing the energy you use.  You can:
  • turn off lights when we leave a room
  • turn off the water when you are brushing your teeth
  • use electronics less
  • turn off lights, unused electronics, and unplug chargers before you go to bed
  • shorter showers
  • turn off the tv when no one is watching
  • use recyclable paper towels instead of air dryers
  • recycle your empty cans and bottles

Reducing our energy consumption is good because it helps the earth. 
Renewable energy sources use less energy in the long run, and will cost less.  
Spread the word, encourage everyone you know to take part.  We are spreading this electronically, to reduce paper usage and conserve energy.  To take the pledge and sign up by going to energydiet.canadiangeographic.ca
at the top of the page, click on classrooms, then search for Strathmillan.  Click on Lightning Lightbulbs, and towards the bottom of the page is a link to sign the pledge.  You must have a valid email address to sign.  We are trying to get more than 150 signatures.  

Thank you for supporting us and the earth
Students of Room 12

Monday, 27 February 2017

February 27

In math today we did something called scoot where we have to go around the room and solve math questions.
In gym we continued our badminton tournament.
In writing we wrote about our big idea.
French was fun, we continued our three projects.
In theme we had to think on what we would trade on our island.
Library is Wednesday. Bring your books!! :-)

Thursday, 23 February 2017

February 23

Today we had gym. We now have badminton teams going on.  We had buddies. Usually we would go into their class and pick our buddies but half of the class picked inside our class.  We listened to a funny song in music called salt peanuts.  We had Spheros ready for us to do some coding. It was really fun. Spheros are little robots that you control with an iPad, you connect it with the bluetooth. It can do stunts, tricks and even tell your future!  We continued working on our we fair projects.
There's no school tomorrow!

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

February 22

Today we had math. We did long division before we had gym.

In gym we had a substitute and we played dodgeball

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

February 21

In math we used our white boards and we wrote large numbers in expanded form and words and standard. We had a sub in the morning, 3rd and the 4th period.
In music we did different  belts and learned a song on our recorder called Scotland is Burning. In french we did three things that are due soon.  In theme we looked at a picture and we had to copy off the smart board and we watched a video. and then we were writing notes about matter and mass and then we wrote examples of states of matter.

Friday, 17 February 2017

February 17

Today we had Gym, we played a badminton game called kings court. We had a short class meeting.  We thanked someone and or said something we wanted to change. In Theme we did some art. We did two sheets of art. One for the background and one for the project. We had a polar bear walk today at 11:00 AM. We walked around the school block. We did some work about our projects and had QR codes to help us with our work.

Thursday, 16 February 2017

February 16

Today we had math and we did a work sheet, we had to write the numbers down in expanded form and more.  Then we had gym we played monster tag and we learned how to do a clear shot, a drop shot, and a smash shot.  We had writing, we wrote instructions on how to do something. Next we had french we had to remember ten lines from our scrips. Then we had theme we researched our energy projects with our groups. Then we silent read at our desks.

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

February 15

We had a field trip today at Golden gate to go see a play called Dib and Dob.  When we came back we wrote what we thought about the play .  In French we worked on writing 10 sentences and the translate the French words into English and we had to make our own story with French words that we know. In theme we worked with our science fair group and did a graph about weather.  Then we read a book called What to you do when you have a idea, then we had to draw a idea that will change the world.

Friday, 10 February 2017

February 10

Today we learned about polar bears in the gym, and we watched some videos.  The grade 2/3 classes have been learning about conservation.  We are having a polar bear spirit week next week.
In music we practiced and learned a new song on our recorders.
The weather finally improved and we got to go out side for all recesses. 
We had art today.  We practiced using dots to create value.  In theme we are working on tradable resources for our islands.  We brainstormed crops, industry and possible ground items we might find there and be able to use.

Thursday, 9 February 2017

February 9

Today in gym, we practiced serving with a tennis racket and a partner. There was grade 5 intramural for the girls. We played Gladiator Ball. Today in Class Meeting we talked about kindness and the amount of disrespect and talking back in class. We talked about what we were thankful for and what we wanted to change in class. Miss Pattie is reading us a book called Secrets of Bearhaven. In Energy Miss Pattie gave us a partner and with our partner we read a book about certain types of books about energy.  Then we talked about the book and wrote about it.
In theme we had a word bank about the history of New France and we had to write a story about it with the words in the bank, we had to try to make it true! Today Miss Pattie talked about our report cards and that we don't need to stress about it and what you get is good, no matter what.
In French we did another vocabulary test.  We got our previous ones handed back. If the test we got had a sticker, that means we are improving! We also practiced the script. Miss Pattie also talked to us about our islands and crops. She talked about that if we all grew strawberries and we had some left over then we would not be able to trade with others because everyone already had them.
Today we all had indoor recess except for last recess.

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

February 8

Today we had math, we were doing division on paper there was 12 questions each one got harder and harder. In gym today we played a game that helped us with striking, one person stood on a star with a paddle while one person stood in a hoola-hoop and tried to catch what ever they were using.
In writing today we were handed back our grammar sheets where we had to find the proper way to use commas and apostrophes. In french we double checked our French option sheets where we had to choose the correct words, then we were handed back our french vocabulary tests.
We are going to build our own weather tools for theme.

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

February 7

Today we had a person come in to teach us how to make a bouncy ball.  She also taught us about
reactions with water and some other things.  One thing for cold and the warm then we did some problem solving and there were more then one way to do it. We also worked on our energy see, think and wonder with our two pictures. We had indoor recess today because it was too cold.
Today we have early dismissal. We also watched a video of weather in theme, and learned about some types of clouds. 

Monday, 6 February 2017

February 6

Today in Gym we had a sub and we played free-for-all tag and doctor dodgeball. We had Buddies with the grade 1s.  In Music we read because the choir was practicing. In theme we looked at some pictures and wrote about what we saw and thought and what we wonder, with Mrs. Steuart.  At the end of the day we listened to a book called Bearhaven.  We also discussed our Classroom Energy Diet Challenges.  We talked about the things we need to learn more about.

Thursday, 2 February 2017

February 2

Today we did long division in math.
In music we had a substitute teacher and we played the xylophones.
We had library.
In french we finished our work sheet.
At lunch there was coding club in Ms.Pattie's room.

In theme we made a poster for weather rhymes.
No school Friday!
today we learned some stuff about of weather.

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

February 1

Today we played predators and prey for the last time at gym.  We had class meeting today. We worked on a paper with two hands on it share it with a partner and write something we can do to be kind on it.We worked on kindness and how we can change our school.  We are working on a 'how to' book.  We did a french quiz today. We should know all the words on our scripts and quiz.  We worked on the important years of voyageurs and the fur trade. We then cut them out and sorted them together.  Some of us went to choir, that's only for choir people.
Library Tomorrow.
There is no school on Friday!