Friday, 28 October 2016

October 28

Today was Beach Day for our Mission to Mexico.  Our class raised $111.25 Way to go.
In problem solving we got a sheet with our problems on them.  If we finished all of those, we could get the problems for the next level.  In writing we were working on our first few days on our island.  We should all be finished our rough drafts and be working on revision and editing.  On Monday, we will have classmates edit our work.  In French we worked on the first 6 lines of the play.  We also started putting together our partner clocks.  In theme we continued working in our groups.  We should be ready to start putting the presentation together next week.

Thursday, 27 October 2016

October 27

We had math instead of gym today.   In Math we learned a slightly different way to make an array for multiplication.  We were working on our white boards today.  We had reading buddies today.  We got paired up with a grade one and we read three books to them. Some of our Buddies had Halloween books.  We had writing, and we continue working on the jobs for the first few days on our island.
We had a substitute in music.  We played our song we learned yesterday.  At the end of class we played a game called "Rhythm Master".  This afternoon we did art.  We painted the background first.  We drew leaves onto the paper and then we painted around them in black - it's called negative painting.  Tomorrow is Beach day as part of our Mission to Mexico.

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

October 26

In Gym we played Ghost in the Graveyard.  This involves mats standing up like gravestones.  Mr. Mackenzie turns off the lights and there are 2 people with flashlights who hunt for us.  This is our favourite Halloween game.  In Math we continued with our Multiplication using Arrays sheets.
In Writing we continued to write the story of what we will do when we land on our islands. In French we started working on our play "Un Jour Bizzarre".  Our first job is to learn the first 6 lines of the script.  Including the gestures.  Ms Pattie gave us a QR code so we can scan and watch the lines at home.  In Theme we continued working on our presentations for our First Nations group to present to the class.  Some of us have started our good copies of our illustrations.  We'll be ready to take pictures of them and record our message for our presentation.  In Music we played on the instruments again.  We learned a new song.  Tomorrow is our day to dress like a Rock Star - in support of Mission to Mexico.  Everyone should bring Toonies.

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

October 25

Today's spirit week theme was dress like a nerd - focus on math and science for Mexico.  We had a substitute this morning. It was Ms K.  In Math we continued working on arrays for longer multiplication.  We had sheets to work on today.  In Music we played on the instruments.  We learned a new song: E is for Evening. We had library today, we were able to take out three books.  In French, Ms K quizzed us on the gestures for French words.  We also played our number game.
In Theme we are starting to work on Aboriginal information.  We are planning what we will do on the ipads.  In handwriting, we worked on the lower case alphabet.  Tomorrow for spirit week we should wear Red, White and Green; the colours of Mexico's flag.  We have almost raised $25 for school supplies for Mexico.

Monday, 24 October 2016

October 24

We were lucky to have Mr. Chestnut in today to demonstrate and teach some juggling.  We started learning with just two balls. Our recess was delayed so we got to stay out a bit longer.   In writing, we did another written response to our book club books.  In French we started a new unit.  We will be working on a French play.  We learned some new words that we picked up quickly.  The words had gestures to help us remember them. We got our class ipads today.  We played a game called Kahoot.  We had to work in groups of three to figure out the correct answers.  We played a version for Halloween and a quiz on Simple Machines.  We used our ipads to help our research on First Peoples of Canada.

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

October 19

In Gym we were doing some skipping.  We worked on jumping in one spot.  We played turtle tag too.  We also started yellow card games. We read with our grade one buddies for the first time today.  Some of our buddies are already really good readers.  In writing we started a web about jobs on our island.  We turned the web into a piece of writing about all the jobs that would need to be done on our island when we first land.  In Music, we learned a song on the instruments.  We also did something called switch.  When Mr Bychuk called switch, everyone had to move to the next instrument.  We also sang Happy Birthday to one of our classmates.  Those people in intramurals, had their first ball hockey game today.  Mrs. Danyluk came and talked to us about being friends and not teasing if both sides don't find it funny.

Monday, 17 October 2016

October 17

In math we had four multiplication problems to solve with arrays.  We had to fit the arrays into the space of half a page - or smaller.  We had library today.  Most of us got to take out three books.
In Music we did more body rhythms.  In French we took turns reading the story of Luc's test.  We finished working on the contents of our Sac a Dos.  We saw Mrs. Marlatt in the hallway today.  She is here to do vision screening.  In Theme we talked about rights and responsibilities of being a citizen of Canada.  We then had to come up with rights, responsibilities and consequences for our islands.  In writing we heard two more stories and looked at what the authors did.  At the end of the day, Ms. Pattie will read to us.  We are reading Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate.  Tomorrow is early dismissal.

Reminder to all students to keep on track with their homework.  Some are starting to fall behind.  This will result in staying in to catch up!

Multiplication using an array

We have been working on Multiplying larger numbers using an array.  Here is a demonstration.

Thursday, 13 October 2016

October 13

In math we continued with long multiplication - using an array.  We played soccer in gym today.
In Writing we started a cursive writing book.  We had to copy the alphabet four times, if we don't do a good job, we will have to redo.  We worked on capital letters, it took two lines for the whole alphabet. In French we started talking about school equipment.  We are getting closer to the end of the mystery. Some of us had our first intermediate choir practice.  We learned a new song in 7 minutes - Unsung Heros.  In Theme we started learning about Aboriginal Peoples of Canada.  We listened to three different creation stories, from different groups; we had to draw a picture to represent each story.  We also listened to a scientific theory of people settling in Canada.

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

October 11

Mr. Mackenzie is back, his ankle still hurts.  We did some track and field activities.  In writing, we used description to write about a meal we ate this weekend.  We had writing earlier in the day than usual. In French we continued working on our mystery.  We had to glue nine rooms and four people into our books.  We are getting close to the end of the mysteries.  In music we did more Tom Tom Greedy Guts.  At the end of the class we also played composer scramble.  In Theme we watched some videos about levers and pulleys.  The videos showed us how simple machines make jobs easier or quicker.  We read a book called Piggie Pie.  We then had to name some techniques the author used to make it a good book.

Friday, 7 October 2016

October 7

In Math we looked at a couple of problems and had to explain how we solved it.  We were focusing on finding different ways to solve the same problem.
In Gym we played Kings Court.  If you get hit with a ball, you go to the other team's jail.  If your team throws you a ball and you can hit someone from the other team, then you get to go back to your team.  If, while you are throwing the ball, you hit someone in the head, you have to go to the jail.
In Writing we did a written response on a selection from our book club books.  We had to write a sample piece of text from our book, and we have to respond to our connection with that piece of text.  We have also started recording the books we are reading.
In Theme we started learning about simple machines.  We talked about the lever today.
We went to the science room and Mrs. Badger came in and did a 6C project with us called Maker Station.  We got to make things out of recycled materials. Mrs. Badger read us a story about Iggy Peck Architect.  Iggy really liked to build things, but he wasn't appreciated until he saved the day.
In Music we played composer scramble.  We each had our own square and when Mr. Bychuk called out a composer and everyone standing on that composer had to move to a new spot.  It's a lot like Musical Chairs.

Thursday, 6 October 2016

October 6

In math we used base ten blocks to do multiplication.  We had music today.  We learned  "3,5,7,9". This is doing a pattern with out bodies.  Clap, chest, knees, thighs and stomp our feet.  
We had library today. We had an extra gym class, there were extra classes in the gym because teachers were gone to Cross-Country.  In theme we wrote four conclusions about the climate of our islands (based on our graphs).  In Writing, we read a picture book and then we talked about what the girl in the story could use to help write a better story.  These are ideas we can use too.

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

October 5

In Gym we played a game called Rabbits and Wolves.  In Book Clubs, we did Say Somethings with our groups.  We sat with Ms Pattie so she could guide us through our first one.  We had our class meeting today.  In French, we played Tic Tac Toe with school rooms.  If we said it wrong, the other player got the square. We had a bit of indoor recess due to the rain today.  In theme we graphed the temperature and precipitation for our islands.  We also discussed factors that affect weather in places.  Things like bodies of water and proximity to the Equator.

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

October 4

We played a math game of 'I Spy'  using cards in an array.  We played in our table groups.  In Gym we had a substitute and played bench ball.  The winning team would lose a player to the other team.
Today was picture day.  We had individual pictures and a class picture.  We chose books for our book clubs.  There were only 5 copies of each book, so some didn't get their first choice this time.  We also got a chance to start reading our books.  In French we started a new mystery.  In theme we continued our graph of Winnipeg Temperature and we graphed Winnipeg Precipitation.  We also finished our set of maps.  We finished the legend on each and now we just have to neatly colour them.
Today is early dismissal.

Monday, 3 October 2016

October 3

We had problem solving this morning.  They are colour coded from easiest to hardest.  We had to find the problem that was the best fit for us.  If a problem was too easy, next time we had to choose a harder problem.   We did A Say Something today.  A Say Something is sharing our connections to what someone else has said.  We had another fire drill today.  In French we wrote out our own cart d'identite.  In Theme we re-found our islands and made sure we had the correct co-ordinates.  This will help us when we need to figure out the climate of our island.  We started talking about and graphing Winnipeg's weather.  This will help us compare our Climate to the island's.  We continued into a third period of theme.